Strongback Website Update: new Devops solutions

We have finally updated our website to address the services we've actually been doing over the past few years. For so long, we've neglected the content on the website, frankly, because we were too busy. Now, after a couple of weeks of intensive work, we finally have content that reflects what we really do and what want to do. Yes, we still do Enterprise Modernization, including advanced deployment and customization of HATS applications and adoption strategies for RDz and RDi. However, we've expanded our whole DevOps approach to include service offerings such as:

We also have some rather new offerings that are purely services oriented. We now offer extended WebSphere Application Server 6.1 support for customers who cannot migrate to later editions due to third party software limitations. We also now offer remote DevOps Software Management for customers that cannot justify hiring a full time resource just to manage their RTC, RQM, DNG, or Urbancode servers. 

There are other goodies in there as well that you may or may not notice. Of course, we spent some time on better URL navigation, analytics, and SEO. But it should be much easier to find out exactly what solutions we offer. 

In the coming weeks/months, we'll also be adding new pages to the Industries area, as well as more case studies. In the meantime. Go ahead. Take a peek and let us know what you think!
