A basic-no-frills Linux Survival Guide

So you decide to take a stroll into the cool winds of the data center, only to find yourself surrounded by these towering, blinking, Linux machines. You realize you need to placate these hot breathing daemons, if only you had some shell script mojo. Well, here is a little guide to help you survive until help arrives.

Now, this is a no-frills guide. There are MANY other Linux guides out there. The goal of this is to keep you from making a tragic mistake. Knowing these basic commands will get you out of a pickle, but in no way does it help you master Linux. Check out the back of the guide for links to more Linux references, guides, and overall mastery.
When you're ready to learn more, and have downtime to read it, we recommend these books:

How Linux Works

The Linux Command Line:

A Complete Introduction

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