Now available: Rational Developer for System z Training

We've been pretty silent on the blog over the past three months, but for good reason. We've been heads down working hard over the summer to build a curriculum based on our partnership with Island Training Solutions. We've now perfected and delivered our course to over 1000 developers worldwide.

The training is delivered remotely. Your developers can sit at their computers, and log into our remote virtual machine desktops. An instructor will be able to walk you through all the lab exercises on the remote VM. You do not need to have RDz installed on your desktop - the remote VM has all that your developers need. Our instructor will alternate between lab and lecture. Each module is between 10-45 minutes in length, and is about 70% lab. Your developers will get real, hands-on experience using the tool so they can get busy using the product immediately.

Our new course offers a one-day hands on, lab intensive on RDz. The course is highly modular, which allows us to tailor the curriculum to suit the needs of your mainframe developers. The one day course includes the following modules:

We also have other modules that we offer either in replacement of those above, or in an additional half day class. Those modules include:
The one day course is an excellent boot camp to get your COBOL developers started using the new RDz toolset. We also offer RDz installation and consulting services as well. If you are interested, please contact our sales group at

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