Lotus Domino 8.5.2 SMTP Issue causes spike in CPU utilization

Lotus Domino 8.5.2 was released after much development and testing. IBM appears to be going very slowly through the iteration numbers since 8.5.0.  Many thanks to all the early adopters who install it at first download!

As such, those early adopters are also the first to discover bugs that can really only be captured in a true production environment. There is one known bug out there, and I would caution against upgrading to 8.5.2 until the hotfix is available or possibly until Fix Pack 1 is available in Q4. The hot fix should be available on September 8th.

The issue is that SMTP will spike the CPU utilization, and has been shown on AIX, AIX 64bit, Linux, Windows, Windows 64bit, and i5/OS.

Here is the current IBM technote:

And here are a few other blog posts about the issue:


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