Rational Team Concert for Visual Studio 2010 - Coming Soon.

The Jazz team announced that RTC will support VS2010 in RTC version iFix3, which is currently at milestone 1 build. This includes full client support on Windows 7. This build is primarily for developers that work with VS - if you don't work with VS, then you can/should ignore the build. The interim fixes appear to be coming out every 45 days or so, so expect a full release of this iFix by the end of May.

In case you didn't know, the RTC product development team uses RTC as its own build environment. Talk about eating your own dog food! As all the Jazz products are developed in the open, anyone can check on the status of an iteration, or submit work items as defects, bugs, or requests for enhancements. The RTC project plans are  found at http://jazz.net/jazz/web/projects/Rational%20Team%20Concert#action=com.ibm.team.apt.viewPlan&page=viewModel&id=_1SrHYFOUEd-uhOvgaO8mvA.

RTC already supports the previous version of Visual Studio (2005 and 2008). If you are not familiar with the interaction of Team Concert and Visual Studio, here are some videos on getting started with the product.

Getting Started with Rational Team Concert and Microsoft Visual Studio - Part 1

Getting Started with Rational Team Concert and Microsoft Visual Studio - Part 2

Getting Started with Rational Team Concert and Microsoft Visual Studio - Part 3

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