Common installation issues/fixes with Rational Team Concert for Power Systems

If you are installing the new Rational Team Concert for Power Systems (RTCp), which is the follow on to RTCi, there are a few common installation issues you might run into.

First, be sure and check all the system requirements for the product. RTCp server can be installed on i/OS, AIX, and Windows. I highly recommend that you install on a WebSphere App Server 7.0 server. Make sure you have the latest cumulative PTF (or at least the minimum). If you have multiple WAS server instances and versions, you should try to consolidate those as much as possible and try to keep the number of JVM's down. A WAS server can run multiple apps - you don't need a server instance for every app. I've seen a dozen servers run one app a piece before - terrible (and expensive) waste of resources. When consolidating, consider using the built in application server as it is a little bit lighter than a full WAS JVM and appropriate for lightweight .war files with no distributed caching or EJBs.

For i/OS V5R4 you'll need to confirm the following is installed first.

For V6.1 you need
If you do not have capacity to run RTCp on the i/OS, you can run it on an AIX partition, or a Windows server. The build toolkit for i/OS MUST run on the i. Keep in mind you can run build toolkits on every operating system (except z/OS), and control them from the RTCp server.

If you get an immediate failure when issueing the restore licensed program command, your i is probably not using English as the default language. If so, you'll need to specify the LNG parameter on the RSTLICPGM command:


This is because there are no language packs for RTCp currently.

When connecting to RTCp, make sure you have upgraded or installed the RTC 2.0 client. The RTCi 1.0 client will no longer work. The client versions must match up to the major/minor release levels, and preferably to the fix pack level.

If I run into other similar issues, I'll be sure and post them. The biggest issue out there is that the RTCp 2.0 InfoCenter is no where to be found, so you'll have to base your documentation on the WAS InfoCenter, the RTC 2.0 InfoCenter (for Windows and Linux), and the i/OS InfoCenter.

The RTCp infocenter is at
Thanks to Kushal Mun for helping to find it. Its not exactly well linked.

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