I've got a golden ticket...to IBM Innovate in June

Now, I am excited. I just got confirmed as a speaker at the Rational conference this June, now dubbed "IBM Innovate". This makes my fourth straight year of this conference, and my second year presenting. I submitted 3 abstracts, but this is the one that got accepted. Here is my session abstract:

Session: PWR-1068A: Spicing up your green screens with HATS and Dojo

When: Wed, 9/Jun, 01:45 PM - 02:45 PM
Where: Swan - Europe 11

Current abstract:
Learn to take your green sceen apps to Web 2.0 with HATS and the Dojo Tookit. IBM Rational HATS comes with many default templates making it easy to deploy a solution for green screens very quickly. However we'll show you how you can take advantage of the underlying Rational Application Developer and the Dojo Toolkit feature to really make your applications shine. The toolkit also gives you the ability to add features to your application that is easier to implement than writing custom components, while being cross-browser compliant.

When we submit our abstracts, what you see above is all we have to submit. The actual presentation gets submitted much later. In fact, few people even start on this until they know they've been confirmed to speak.

In case you are curious, here is the subjects of my other two abstracts that did not get approved:
If anyone is really interested, and would like a webinar type of presentation, I might just do one on these if I get enough interest. For now, I'm going to focus on getting my approved abstract all 'purty'.

With that, let me ask you:
I'll take your suggestions and put these into my presentation and we'll see you at Innovate.

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