Making the installation of SNAPPS Templates much Quickr

For anyone using Lotus Quickr (formerly Quickplace), the guys at SNAPPS have created some freely available templates for use. Whenever I install Quickr for a customer I often install these templates with the base installation as a bonus.
After you've installed something repeatedly, you often think 'hey.. I could script that!'. And so I did. You don't have the full flexibility of scripting in a Domino environment, but there are quite few things that you can do in a batch/shell script by calling the specific items in the Domino program directory. Now, this part is really just for upgrading or registering the newly created SNAPPS templates. My step just speeds up the command line portion of it and allows you to run a single batch file instead of 16+ commands. This is for Windows only, but a shell script is just a AWK away. If you have more fancy things to add to the script, please leave a comment.

Follow all the instructions from the SNAPPS team for the initial download and setup of the QEngine and QContacts applications, and copying the other templates into your LotusQuickr directory. Then, copy the following into a batch file and insert into your Domino program directory. Then at step 3 of installing a single template, execute the batch file. This will install and register all the SNAPPS templates.

REM #################################################
REM Install and/or upgrade the SNAPPS Templates
REM Copyright 2010, Strongback Consulting
REM Obtain the SNAPPS templates via
REM #################################################
echo ### REGISTERING qactivities ####
nqptool upgrade -f -p qactivities
nqptool register -install -p qactivities

echo ### REGISTERING qannounce ####
nqptool upgrade -f -p qannounce
nqptool register -install -p qannounce

echo ### REGISTERING qcontacts ####
nqptool upgrade -f -p qcontacts
nqptool register -install -p qcontacts

echo ### REGISTERING qideas ####
nqptool upgrade -f -p qideas
nqptool register -install -p qideas

echo ### REGISTERING qissues ####
nqptool upgrade -f -p qissues
nqptool register -install -p qissues

echo ### REGISTERING qmeeting ####
nqptool upgrade -f -p qmeeting
nqptool register -install -p qmeeting

echo ### REGISTERING qphotos ####
nqptool upgrade -f -p qphotos
nqptool register -install -p qphotos

echo ### REGISTERING qpresent ####
nqptool upgrade -f -p qpresent
nqptool register -install -p qpresent

echo ### REGISTERING qsite ####
nqptool upgrade -f -p qsite
nqptool register -install -p qsite

echo ### REGISTERING qsurvey ####
nqptool upgrade -f -p qsurvey
nqptool register -install -p qsurvey

echo ### REGISTERING qproject ####
nqptool upgrade -f -p qproject
nqptool register -install -p qproject
echo ----- Registration Complete ------

Then you can use the Domino Admin console to add owners to all the places at once.
