Rational Team Concert Released

Yes, I know, its hard to get excited about a point release, however, there are some features worth mentioning. In particular is the change in the licensing model for RTC Express-C. It now includes not 3 but 10 (ten) free developer/contributor licenses. It is now also supported on all the databases that are supported by the Express/Standard/Enterprise version, including these free ones:
There is new support for WebSphere 7, and the licensing includes equivalent licensing for a WAS 7 environment (Websphere App Server base for Express/Standard, and Websphere Network Deployment for a clustered high availability RTC Enterprise environment). The additional features of WAS7 make it more scalable and more secure as WAS 7 is built on the Java 6 JDK has the ability to quiesce containers that it may not be using (i.e. the EJB container), thus reducing the memory and CPU resources needed to run it.


If you have not heard of the product, it is THE best team development environment out there. Dare I say, I am "jazzed" about it? Check out my prior posts for more information on the product. This blog, and the surrounding website have been developed using RTC on linux, and it is absolutely the bomb. Deployment is a sure fire snap, and the iteration planning have been tremendously helpful as we pull together new ideas for content, navigation, and UI features. Continuous build, automated testing, and one-click deployment help ensure we always have a rock solid web site with each release.
