Getting started with version control and Jazz

If your organization has no real version control system or your idea of version control is making a copy of your rpgle source code in your library (you AS/400 folks know who you are), well, check out Team Concert Express C. Its a free version of Team Concert and runs on Windows or Linux. We've started using it in house for our consulting practice and it is fantastic. It includes support for Eclipse and MS Visual Studio based IDE's.

This link is to the gold release, but version 2.0 is just around the corner. The Jazz team has its second release candidate available for download as well. If you want to check out the features and evaluate the product, have no immediate need for SCM, then give the 2.0 RC2 a try.

There was a ton of material at the Rational conference on how people are using it. We are using it for work item tracking, for build management, and for source code control. The work item management is really nice.

Here is a good white paper on the product for those who are interested:

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