I am speaking at the Rational Conference in June!

IBM just confirmed my speaking role. I'm speaking with Alisa Morse, Product Manager for IBM Rational HATS, SCLM AE, and HACP. We'll be presenting an introduction and case study for HATS for one of my large customers. Here is the synopsis below (subject to change). The Rational Conference has typically been more technical that some of the other IBM conferences (i.e. LotusSphere), and that I enjoy. I would prefer to do a more technical presentation, but there is a real need for case studies for the conference.
If you are going, be sure to look me up. Its truly a great conference for architecture and software development. Registraiton is open at http://www.ibm.com/rational/rsdc, and early bird discounts apply until May 1st. However, there is a special going on now until the end of March where you can get a second registration at half price.

EM06 - All levels (general knowledge)
Achieve Faster Return on Investment with Enterprise Application Modernization- A Customer Story
Tuesday, June 2 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Kenny Smith, Principal, Strongback Consulting

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