WebSphere Portlet Factory and Software Architect 7

I've recently done a project involving WebSphere Dashboard Framework. Version 6.0 of the product states that it supports Rational Application Developer 7 and RSA. Being that I run RSA, I wanted to install WDF into RSA. The problem is that the WDF InstallAnywhere does not recognize RSA 7 as a valid Eclipse instance, nor does it show up as a valid Rational platform.

In combing the forums, I found the answer to my problem. You must first edit the .eclipseproduct file located under the SDP70 directory. These are the contents for RSA:

name=IBM Software Development Platform

However, WDF looks for eclipse, and for some reason, does not see RSA 7 as a valid platform. THerfore, change your .eclipseproduct contents to the following (temporarily):

name=Eclipse Platform

Then, you should be able to install WDF over RSA. Note, you must select the option "into Eclipse" to do this. WDF will still not see your RSA 7 install as a "Rational Application Developer" install.

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